25 June 2010

Progress report

So, I hear you cry, what about the other 21 things on your list then?? Or maybe you're not saying that, but I'm going to tell you anyway, as I'm presuming if you're reading this you're at least vaguely interested. Or you could just be lost...

Well, there are some very happy people in the southern hemisphere, as I have flights booked for a visit in September/October. One week in New Zealand and two in Melbourne, which will include some time for me to have a drive around the Great Ocean Road! I can't wait - can't wait to see old friends, can't wait to visit family, can't wait to have a mini adventure all of my own! Put your envy away, as this has been a long time coming... Canada will be next year hopefully, and the other trip-type-activities - the train journey up to Scotland and the horse riding across Dartmoor - are in the planning stages.

The scrapbook idea is morphing and growing and taking on a life all of its own. This could either end up being a bit of a damp squib if I can't find the techie skills to make it work, or end up making me £millions! To be fair, it'll be somewhere in the middle, but I'm loving the creative conversations I'm having with people in my life - thanks for the ideas folks.

I STILL have to finish the knitting - seriously, how ridiculous is it to be knitting a big woolly jumper in this weather?! But finish it I will. I despair on the juggling front - as the most success I've had to date was after a significant number of glasses of champagne, maybe I should adopt alcohol as a strategy?

And as for the book...progress is slow, and I've got a bit sidetracked into thinking about my 'Grandad and the Gameboy' dream, which might make it into a screenplay. Thanks Stuart!

I'm also looking forward to watching the sun come up sometime very soon - have decided that rather than get up early I'm not going to go to bed. Much better approach! Everything else is just going to have to wait...although the planning committee for the birthday celebrations is already in place!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you posting again and that the list is coming along.
    Brian and I have just celebrated our Ruby wedding.
    If you need help on the scrapbooking challenge give us a call.
    Hugs Carol xx
